Monday, October 17, 2011

What to write...

Hello. Once again, I am sorry it has taken me a little longer to update. The thing is, my life here is actually fairly similar to the one at my house. During the week all I have is school, and then the few interesting bus rides home or to some Plazas (shopping centers).
This past week after school one day I took the bus and went to a plaza. I grazed through the 5 or so sports stores they had, and could feel my own eyes grow wide as I saw the doubled prices of adidas and nike products here. I also went to a sort of walmart, and you can only imagine my surprise when I saw Sargento cheese! I have a picture as proof that I will be adding soon =]. It definitaly made my day when I saw it. I also saw that they have my favorite Doritoes here, as well as pretzels! If my dad is reading this I am sure he is thinking that I need to try new snacks and cheese´s here, which not to worry papa, I have fallen in love with the jugos (juices) here, especially mango, as well as some delicious sugar/cinnamon cookies.
Then this past weekend I had not only my first Mexican wedding, but also my first Catholic wedding with over 1,000 people. It was crazy. One of the things I really did enjoy though was throwing rice at the newly weds after they left the church. I don´t know why they do it but for some odd reason it brought me great joy. Plus also now know that I am not inviting more than 200 people to my wedding someday as well as having only one band and one singer. They had one band with a girl who had 2 background dancers as well as a very strong voice. They also had a Banda band, that wore bright orange tux´s and played the majority of the night with their loud trumpets and ha not my kind of music. But overall I think it was a good experience.
Today I watched two movies with my sister, and then went running with my cousin in a park that is pretty far from my house with the bus but it was nice to see grass again and a few fallen leaves from the trees in the park. That´s one thing that I really miss is not seeing the trees changing colors.
That´s about it for now. Tomorrow I have school again, then soccer and then I think I am going shopping with one of my sisters. God bless!

PS. I´m just writing what I think is important to share but if you have anything else you would like my to write, just ask!

1 comment:

  1. What happened to thei idea to marry in Portugal with 50-75 people?
    Little trivia for all.any form of wheat product ( is connected with the idea of fertility and prosperity. Throwing Rice ( as a substitute for wheat) at the bride and groom is supossingly helping the new couple in those areas.
