Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas&Happy New Year!

The year 2011 was a good one for Johanna Schmidt. She graduated High School, had a fullfilling summer, and is now in Mexico having a blast. I am proud of this year.

Christmas this year was very strange without snow, I must say. It didn't really feel like Christmas until the day of, and even then I couldn't get over the fact I was celebrating it in just a longsleeve and weird! But overall it was good, and I had a great time spending it with my first adopted family.

Now tonight is New Year's Eve, and I will spending it again with my family, eating hamburgers by a campfire. Maybe I even get to go out after the new year has begun.

My New Year's Resolution:
Never take anything for granted, and live life to the fullest. We never know when God will take us off this earth, and there is so much to experience and to learn that we need to be yes people. Take the opportunities that are given to you, and never regret anything. Everything happens for a reason, so just go with it cause that's how God planned it.

Now I mentioned in my earlier posts that I will be having three families during my exchange, and the time with my first family has come to an end with the new year. I will be changing in exactly a week, going to a family that lives about 10 min from my current one. This is a plus, as I will be visiting them regularily!

Now I only have three more things to share with everyone...

Feliz Año Nuevo!
Frohes Neues!

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